Friday, May 11, 2007


In the grand scheme of things, commencement is nothing more than nostalgia and cold sweats while we all conjure those chummy recollections of your college core and sweating out the night befores booze while your family sits glowing (or in my case, whining) about their graduates achievements espoused collectively through the invigorating speeches of peers, summed up by the powerful charge of a nonsense, spoken by a representative of some moderate success.

In exchange walk off stage with a degree of higher privalage tucked under thier arm, return the borrowed robes and continue on with their Sunday activites, earning in the 30 minutes of their poetic hopeful ramblings pe what you have spent 4 + years and a minimum of $160 dollars on (Thank you GW). Ergo one would hope that person invited to speak on the behalf of your future was at minimum stimulating, if not down right motivating, at least enough to get you through the next 3 months of the "exciting" transition period ensuing immiadiatly post graduation.

While Howard University was lucky enough to hear the diatribe of the Harpo Goddess, Oprah, St. Vincent College (I haven't heard of it either) landed the big eagle.

President Giving Commencement Address

(Latrobe, PA) -- President Bush will be in Latrobe, Pennsylvania today to give the commencement address at St. Vincent College.

The President's visit has been met with protests by many groups, including several members of the St. Vincent faculty.

The group of faculty members do not approve of their employer's decision to have Bush speak.

The faculty members are critical of the President's policy in Iraq.

President Bush was invited by the Saint Vincent's President Jim Towey, who was the director of the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives from 2002 until April of 2006.

Copyright 2007 Metro Networks Communications Inc., A Westwood One Company

Now would his honorary degree be considered social promotion or a campaign contribution?

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