Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
Something in the Water
She told officers she was just hurrying to get home.
That's the story the 33-year-old naked woman accused of ramming a U-Haul van into the bedroom of a South East Street house early Sunday afternoon gave Culpeper town police.
Will Green was sitting on the porch of the home he was visiting when he saw the van coming around a wide turn at what he said was a high rate of speed.
"I thought it was going to hit the neighbor's house," Green said yesterday. "I couldn't believe it when I saw it coming."
The van missed the neighbor's house but struck an SUV parked out front. It then careened into the yard and took out much of the railing and furniture on the patio there, Green said.
That may have slowed the van, but it didn't stop until it hit the side of Gilbert and Rosita Nelson's home next door, buckling the floor and pushing in the bedroom wall.
"It's a miracle that the lady next door, who is elderly, wasn't on the patio at the time," Rosita Nelson said. "She usually sits out there."
At that point Green, who admitted he was stunned, heard screaming.
"At first, I thought it was the neighbor lady. But when I got to the van, I found out it was the driver, who was trying to get out," he said.
"At first, I tried to help her. But when I saw she was completely naked, I just went back in the house and called 911," he added.
"After that, I got a sheet and took it out so she could put it around her."
Rosita Nelson said she was at work at the Dollar Store when her daughter called and told her what had happened.
"At first, I thought she said there was a van at the house," Nelson recalled. "She said, 'No, Mama! There's a van IN the house.' At that point, I ran the whole mile home."
Luckily, Gilbert Nelson, who is recovering from a heart attack and stroke, wasn't home at the time. He was out picking up his granddaughter.
"Usually, he's in the bed about that time," Green said.
Fearful the small house might collapse, police left the U-Haul, which Jenkins said the woman had rented a few days earlier, in the side of the building until it could be shored up. After about 24 hours, it was towed away.
Joyce Ann Herbert of Culpeper was charged with indecent exposure, driving with a suspended license, not wearing a seatbelt and driving without liability insurance, police Sgt. Scott Jenkins said. She was not injured.
Jenkins said Herbert had been discharged from Culpeper Regional Hospital that morning.
"She said she was in a hurry to get home," said investigating Officer Tony Sisk, who noted that Herbert had just left home before the accident happened.
Sisk said he had no idea why Herbert was nude at the time.
He said police officers had gone to Herbert's home to interview her on another occasion and she came to the door without clothes.
The van sustained front-end damage. Nelson said the SUV parked on South East Street was totaled.
The extent of the damage to the house, which Jenkins said is owned by Ronnie Frazier, was still being determined.
Stafford Dominatrix Released From Jail
A self-proclaimed dominatrix who spent nearly six years on the run after being indicted in Stafford County is free once again.
Patricia Helen Meehan, 57, who was picked up May 8 at her home in Hagerstown, Md., recently pleaded guilty to two charges in Stafford. She was released after spending several weeks in jail.
Meehan pleaded guilty in Stafford Circuit Court earlier this month to keeping a bawdy place and manufacturing marijuana. She received a total of six years in prison, all of which was suspended.
Two other charges, prostitution and crimes against nature, were dropped.
According to court records, Meehan lived in Aquia Harbour in 2001 when Stafford detectives raided her home and seized numerous bondage devices, whips, sexual aids, client databases and marijuana plants.
Police were notified about Meehan's activities by a family who was considering buying a home on her street.
Detectives learned that Meehan was advertising on the Internet and using the moniker, "Mistress Jesse."
On the Web site, Mistress Jesse said she "loves to control, manipulate and play with submissive men. This is a private home, fully equipped for most kinks and fetishes, can accommodate anything from novice to masochist."
She supposedly charged $275 per hour for each client, the affidavit for a search warrant states.
Meehan was released on a $1,000 bond following her arrest in 2001 and never showed up for trial.
Stafford Detective Dave Wood recently learned that Meehan was living in Maryland under the name of Patricia Noonan.
She was arrested last month and brought to the Rappahannock Regional Jail.
Prosecutor Jim Peterson said he felt justice was served by Meehan's felony conviction.
He said his case had been weakened over the years because authorities no longer had contact with some key witnesses.
Battle of the Anchor Gods

The Washington Post covered a statement made by Dan Rather, calling CBS out on their anchor-lite version of evening news with Katie Couric. But what is missing from every headline I have seen so far is context. Rather was asked candidly during a radio interview with Chuck Scarborough what he thought of the new evening format. Rather answered equally as candid.
Rather said that he never planned an attack on the "Evening News" or onAnd is he so wrong? In an effort to reformat the evening news
Couric,but that he was asked about it by Chuck Scarborough, who has replaced the
deposed Don Imus on morning radio and MSNBC-TV. "He asked me directly what I thought," Rather said. "It is my wont to answer a question directly. It was not planned."
Rather -- who anchored CBS's evening newscast for nearly a quarter-century -- thinks the failure of the "CBS Evening News With Katie Couric" isn't really Couric's fault but Moonves's. The CBS chief decided that to get younger viewers to watch the news, it has to be more fun, more upbeat, more entertaining. InAs a young woman involved in media I did not find his tart reference too particularly offensive because the statement was directed toward the production descision to lighten the news format, not Katie herself. However the AWRT, an organisation both Katie and I belong to issued this statement following the Rather comment.
other words: The news had to stop being the news.
AWRT Statement on Remarks Made by Dan Rather Regarding "CBS Evening News with Katie Couric"But Rather underscores the real atrocity here: (soap box alert) As members of the journalistic community, we should be living up to our role as public educators, we are the one of the final filters for information affecting the public dialogue, and these producers are looking to wage war over a little ego bruising? Seriously!
June 13, 2007 (McLean, VA) – American Women in Radio and
Television expresses its deep disappointment in former "CBS Evening News" anchor
Dan Rather's remarks that CBS is "dumbing it down and tarting it up,” referring
to the current "CBS Evening News with Katie Couric."
Stated AWRT President Maria E. Brennan, “It’s surprising – to say the least – to have someone with Mr. Rather’s experience make such deliberately inflammatory remarks about a professional colleague – particularly one with the credibility and
accomplishment of Katie Couric. While Mr. Rather may wish to backtrack on the
sexist nature of his remarks, I can only note that never have I heard the word
'tart' in reference to the male gender."
Concluded Brennan, "Unfortunately Mr. Rather’s views seem far more personal and pejorative in nature than those of a media professional offering an informed analytical view of the content of 'CBS Nightly News.'”
Couric is a lifetime member of AWRT and has been awarded multiple AWRT Gracie Awards in recognition of her significant contributions to electronic media.
"We have enormous life-or-death issues and challenges facing us in this country
and the world today," he said. "Everything from the dismantling of civil rights
enforcement within the Justice Department to the war in Iraq to news of secret prisons in Europe and, of course, the next presidential election.
When we have such extensive access to the Internet, to filter our own information, why would our generation turn on the television or read the newspaper to feed into this? I think it says a lot about a generation who proactively seeks to be informed, to become their own editor, and even contribute back to the informational community. Whereas the previously information was absorbed through more passive channels like television or radio. This is not to say that one medium is better than another, but when they are saturated with nonsense, how is a public not turned off by "tarty" news?
"Young people will never watch the news" is as sacrosanct a bromide as "Young people will never read a newspaper."Is this really a sign-off for evening news?
Broadcast news, and journalism generally, should not be a sedative," Rather said. "It should be a wake-up call."
Friday, June 15, 2007
Friday, June 8, 2007
Those Who Cannot Do, Teach
WALDORF, Md. (AP) - As bank robbers go, police say this guy was almost as dumb as they come -- and he should have known better.
A man accused of holding up a bank less than a mile from his home, then running out to his own green Honda is a former Prince George's County police officer -- who once worked robbery cases.
Charles County authorities say 43-year-old Vernon Thrift is being held in the county jail pending a bail review hearing Friday. A Prince George's police spokesman says Thrift is no longer employed by the department. Maryland court records show an officer by that name working on Prince George's cases at least as far back as 1992.
Asked to rank the caper on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most well-planned, a Charles sheriff's spokesman gave it ``maybe a 2.''
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
And Cut
Known to be one of the most passionate educators I have ever seen, she would take us on her daily caffinated adventures inside the ages of art, from a cave painting in Lascoux to reprodcutions of urnails cleverly renamed fountain as per Marcel Duchamp. Her lectures were performances. Every one of them. But these were not performances to entertain, although it was one of the many side effects. These performances engaged us, pulled us inside the world of the visual image.
On her lecturn, desk rather, she had her prepared lecture, which amounted to her handwritten notes, her typed notes, and three six-inch volumes of the leading art history texts: Gardner, Janson, and Stockstad, rotating them hapazardly to weave together the most inclusive, tightly written script. Each peice was alloted 5 minutes between one of two screens, for which to describe itself to the class. While she narrated her fifty minute production, you tried to write and simultaniously massage your hand to negotiate the information onto your notebook.
On occasion, although very rarely, the word smith found herself speachless. One such lecture involved a misunderstood manic depressive who found his emotions too powerful for this world. He attempted to describe them with a brush and palatte. Baldwin lassoed those raw expressions into a slide show. She did so with the archaic tools she had, two 1950's slide projectors and a tape recorder. But it remains one of the most powerful lectures. I have since tried to recreate it but never found the time. With the help of Youtube I found something similar.
Thank you Mrs. Baldwin.
Woman Whoa-Man
WASHINGTON (AP) - Nancy Pelosi and Condoleezza Rice have plenty of company.
When it comes to high-powered women, the Washington region leads the country's major metro areas by at least one measure.
A report from the Greater Washington Initiative says the region has the country's highest concentration of female executives.
The region has 14-thousand women in a category that includes chief executives, chief financial officers and executive directors at nonprofits and top government jobs.
The report also predicts that job growth in the private sector will far surpass that of the federal work force by 2012.
(Copyright 2007 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved)